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Smoked Beer Can Duck a L’Orange

Bri Coelho

Hi! I'm Bri Coelho

I'm a professional chef and pastry chef and I am passionate about making everyday delicious and eating real food!




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There may not be a more refreshing way to cook duck à l’orange than on a beer can.

Are we combining traditional French cuisine with an American backwoods grilling method? You bet we are.

The magic is in the duck’s upright posture. Your duck à l’orange will never be as tender or juicy as it is when it’s cooked with the legs closer to the heat and the breasts farther away. This stance lets the breasts retain more moisture while the skin smokes to a crisp.

You can go the simple route and use a beer can when you smoke your duck. When you shimmy your duck onto the beer can, pull it down until the legs touch the sheet tray to create a tripod. That’ll give your duck more stability and keep it upright. If you go this route, be sure to pour off or drink a quarter or half of the beer before you cook with it.

If you love cooking whole birds with beer, it’s worth the investment to get a ceramic chicken holder. You can grab one on Amazon for as little as $12. This recipe uses the ceramic chicken throne, which solidly holds the duck in place.

When you serve up this tasty smoked beer can duck à l’orange, grab the right drink pairing. Look for a chilled bottle of sauvignon blanc from New Zealand, or serve a Four Roses bourbon neat with a squeeze of juice from orange.

To get this recipe head on over to Slayercalls.com or click HERE! 🙂

If you try this smoked beer can duck à l’orange, let us know what you think! Tag @SlayerDuckCallsin your photos on Instagram, or share your experience directly with the Slayer team

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Hi! I'm Bri Coelho

I really love horses, tacos, matcha, and cooking healthy food!